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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Free Beading Pattern for a Dress Ring

Well now, who does not like something for FREE?
I do and so should you. 

I have had this pattern in my stash for quiet some time - I used it as part of my "Getting to grips with Peyote" class when I used to teach....yes well, that was in the beginning before I realized that I did not enjoy teaching. 

I have learned that I do not have the patience for hands on, face to face teaching and I have no problem admitting that. I am ( as all of my friends will attest to) an upfront, forthright and honest person and can therefore be a tad rude if you do not understand what I am saying so I gave up teaching as a bad idea....for me anyway. I much prefer to pass my knowledge on in the form of well written patterns, drawings and instructions.

Yes, we all have our down sides and am certainly the first to put my hand up to admit my guilt in this department. However, I am also the first to give and share and yes, I have learned to do do so without denying myself along the way. Being a martar gets you burnt...ask Joan when next you see her :)

So, without further ado, here is a free pattern for you to make. Pull out (or buy) those interesting 2-hole watch spacers in your stash and make these quick and easy Dress Ring

Click here to download the free pattern.

Included in the pattern is a charted pattern for the ring with the flower motif - Enjoy


Pelantura said...

Muchas gracias Heather!!

Unknown said...

I love your beady brain and would so love this pattern but I can't seem to get the download.

flyingbeader said...

Thank you so much...I'm very intimidated by peyote so I'll give this a try as your instructions are wonderful.

Funny, but I have no problems teaching or even doing a sample, but I absolutely freeze up when I have to either make kits or come up with a list of supplies. I have no idea why, but that is my downfall.

Nicole Vandenreydt said...

merci beaucoup Heather !

Ingrid said...

Thank you Heather !

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